Rovers and Rangers

Rovers and Rangers is the higher wing of Bharat Scout and guide. This is a youth movement Rovers/Rangers will get varied opportunities to develop individually and also develop in group. Here you will also get encouragement and will know “Yourself”. You will discover really who you are as a person. This will help you to lead a happy life. Its programmes are very helpful in disaster management.

To inculcate the spirit of adventure and good values in the students, the Bharat scouts and guides unit has been introduced in the college. Student are registered as Rovers (Boys) and rangers(girls) and are being benefited through this participation college have rovers and rangers units to perform in social activities in various sectors and inculcate social, and ethical values among students.

Contact Us

Address: Thakur J.C.M. Govt. College,
SH 39, Sujanpur Tira,
District Hamirpur,
Himachal Pradesh
PIN – 176110
Telephone: 01972-272440
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